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Compliance with Association Rules

Date: June 20, 2024

It is the obligation of each Homeowner in our Community to adhere to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (DCC&R’s), set forth in The Bridges at Preston Crossing Homeowners Association, Inc. Governing Documents. Our community is striving to continue to be a beautiful place in which to reside. We are all bound to conform to the Articles of our Covenants.

It has come to our attention that we have had several compliance violations or compliance related matters occurring throughout the property. As a courtesy, we would like to take this opportunity to remind all homeowners of the top 3 compliance violations.

    1. Trash Containers (Removed from visibility after designated trash days and properly stored and hidden from public view.
    2. Pets/Picking up after pet. (Owners must always clean up after their pets).
    3. Unauthorized/Unregistered/Inoperable vehicles/Parking - (Do not park cars facing against the flow of traffic) (Parking vehicles in the driveway should not block common walkway)
    (Please make sure to watch for kids and drive safely throughout neighborhood.)

As a reminder below are the Pet Rules and Regulations:

    1. Important! Owners must clean up pet waste after their pets at all times and shall keep pets on a leash whenever outside the confines of the home or a fenced yard, if applicable. 2. Pets shall not be permitted to run free through the Property.

Click here to download and read The Bridges Compliance Communication 12.20.23

Bridges at Preston Crossing HOA

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